Getting a Return

How do you return a part?


Last Update één jaar geleden

The process for a return is actually fairly simple. All you need to do is find your order on our website, and click on the "return" button. There however is a difference on how to find your order - depending on how you ordered from us.

There are two ways to order from us:

Orders without an accountOrders with an account
(You don't need a username and password to order from us)This requires the person(s) ordering to have an online account at our website.

For orders where you did not use an account on the website:

When you created your order, an email was sent with a special link that allows you to view your sales order, invoice(s), etc. This link should look something like the one below:


Once you've found that link, click on it and simply follow the "Requesting a Return" instructions below outlined below. (After "For orders where you used an account on the website")

For orders where you used an account on the website:

You first need to log in to your account on the website. After this, click on your your name, which is located in the menu bar, on the top right and a drop down menu will appear. Click on "My Account".

A list of "Documents" will appear. You will want to go to "Sales Orders", so click on "Sales Orders".

After clicking on "Sales Orders" you will be shown all of your previous sales orders. Simply click on the sales order that you wish to do a return on, and follow the "Requesting a Return" instructions below.

Requesting a Return

At this point,  whether you ordered using an account or not, you only need to click on the "Return" button and fill out the form to start the return process.

An example sales order is shown below.

Once you've clicked on the return button, a form like the one below should appear.

Please note that the "Submit" button will not appear until you have at least selected a part to return.

Fill out the form that appears by selecting the product you wish to return, entering the desired quantity that you wish to return, and finally provide an explanation as to why you are requesting a return of the part(s). 
Once the form is filled out, you simply need to click on the "Submit" button, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible to assist you the rest of the way!

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